12 Days of Christmas - Day 4

Day 4

Alternative arms and legs

Benefits of opposite arm opposite leg
The role of this movement is vast.  Done properly and consistently, the most noticeable benefits include:
More lubricated shoulder and hip joints
Stretching the hamstrings
Opening the shoulder joint and hip joint
Strengthening the abdominals
Sync breath with the movement
Overall centring

Contraindications and Cautions
Recent shoulder surgery
Pins in the shoulders, modifications can apply
Pregnancy in the late stages
Low back injuries

Come back to hands and Knees (Table top pose), checking the alignment is the same as it was in cat / cow pose.

Inhale right knee comes to the chest, exhale right leg out the back, draw toes towards the floor to lengthen hamstrings, checking that the right hip hasn’t lifted towards the ceiling, if yes draw back down, we want to keep pelvis in its natural alignment.  Then Left arm comes out the front, fingers away from the body, thumb towards the ceiling. Stay for 5 breaths, come back to table top pose and repeat on left side.  (Do 5 rounds) Rest in Extended child’s pose