A morning Yoga class is a great way to start your day off just right, so why is it I am confused if I want to go or not? Is it the cold outside, feeling tired, many things to do today or even lack of discipline? I am yet to figure that question out, but yet I have decided to make the commitment to go and I know I will benefit greatly from the experience in many ways, I will post when I return about my experience.
Ok I'm am back home after my practice, let me tell you what a difference a practice makes and possibly because I was dragging my feet to even get there but I am so happy I did. Class was just what I needed as I do suffer lower back issues and yoga keeps it on the right track, I find that when I don't go after a week I really feel it in my back, Yoga has become my therapy In more ways than one. There were numerous challenging postures for me today but my breathe was very open and long , was easier to move from pose to pose with the guidance from the teacher :)
One of the challenging poses was a forearm balance , I have decided to set myself a challenge in getting stronger, more confidence and be able to look forward while kicking up into the pose.
Feeling really good now I didn't practice I even found myself singing to music happily in my car while driving.
Namaste xx