Synthesis of Yoga

A question was asked to me the other day; the question being:  what are the benefits and the purpose of yoga? My reply was, my yoga journey started a few years ago it was for a healing purpose only as I have lower back issues situated in the lumbar region, when I don’t practice often, but now my journey has changed to now studying yoga.

 Through yoga I feel the difference from when I first started to now, I am able to still my mind and calm my body through Asana poses, combined with relaxation, meditation and pranayama which when practiced regular can assists in lengthening the breath and allow the flow of prana (life force) from the base ( Muladhara Chakra) all the way up the center to the crown ( Sarashasra Chakra)  and therefore being able to be in postures longer.

With regular practice you can unblock any blockages that are inside your inner channels and with this unblocking you are able to become aware of your body, mind and knowing how far you can go in your practice, this is important as yoga is not about bringing harm to you or anyone practicing, it is about learning Ahimsa which means no harm.  

Through regular practice you are able to calm the chatter which can be negative thoughts running through our minds, this is called the manas mind.
In becoming aware of myself inside and out I now understand the core of yoga and practice on a daily basis the 8 limbs of yoga, also known as the path that forms the structure of a yoga practice. I have learnt not to cause harm to myself and others, love myself and others, let things go that are out of my control and I have also learnt how to control my emotions.

Through Yoga I have learnt we have layers or sheaths that work within our bodies, there are five in total and are also known as the koshas, recognized as energy within our subtle system. The five koshas are controlled by three gunas that are Sattva (this has a spiritual quality), Rajas (this has an active quality) and Tamas (this has a dull quality). These Gunas are found in all living things and all three are present in our yoga practices.

Yoga has been life changing for me in many ways and I invite others to embark on this journey too.


 What is the Synthesis of Yoga for you?