Magic of Yoga

This is my story down the yogic path, i know Yoga is different for everyone, but for me it is magical and helped me grow from a shy, scared , nervous, even stubborn person into a person who can let go of ego, can now be in front of a class and teach the one thing that has saved her from herself. I had real life issues that we all have in our life and the path to become a yoga teacher wasn't what i was looking for but i needed to find myself and needed a direction for my life and therefore my family.
looking back i see my growth with yoga and as a teacher, pretty much like a tree, where the concept uplifts the interior life to walk tall. The tree – our body – grows up through the root, stem, sap, crown and birdsong, through the seasons.

I have the joy of meeting different people and realizing that we are all coming to a yoga class for different reasons and i have meet numerous students who are in the same situation that i was in when i started my yogic path, we share tails and i see the sparkle in their eyes that there is hope or light at the end of their tunnel as there was for me, and all because they came to a yoga class and meet the amazing many teachers out in the yoga community that have become there saviors and all due to caring, compassion and encouragement through their teaching skills.

I can feel the growth welling up inside me as a teacher and confidence grows with each class i teach, i am more grounded and believe in myself so much more now than when i started my teacher training. All my class mates will know what i am talking about and agree with my words.

I love to able to share with people the one thing i needed to help me find myself and hope that Yoga can be for others the one thing it is for me.

Yoga is a different path to each and every one of us but to me it is a magic light that has been lit inside my mind, body and soul and i am grateful each day that i am am able to do something i love and feel happy inside.

Namaste xxx