Find what is holding you back from the mat:

I have heard many times from people that I have come across since becoming a Yoga instructor that either I am not flexible or I'm too fat to give Yoga a go.

None of these are true , anyone can do yoga , I mean I am both of those statements and I'm sure before finding yoga I possibly said the same thing.

I have a very tight shoulder girdle but poses like Eagle Pose (Garudasana) , I modify by either using a strap or find a variation, even in my teaching I offer variations as our bodies are made up differently.  Even though I have a tight shoulder girdle I'm flexible in the hips, so therefore some postures are harder for me than others. But it doesn't stop me from trying and let's face it; it is about finding what works for you.

Numerous postures I find difficult as I’m a bigger frame person than most students on the mat but I've learnt to stop judging myself.  I've learnt that the skeletal frame, muscles and tendons move the same on a bigger person as they do on a smaller person, the only difference is the fat around them so it can make some postures a little harder to get into, but I can still do yoga, I can still relax, breathe and feel good.

What is stopping you?

Do Yoga Instructors judge themselves?

I have been a yoga instructor since graduating in 2011 and I really love continually helping students in their journey of well-being. It is always fantastic to hear students feedback weather it is good or bad, either way I know that all student responses will eventually help me help others.

Knowing that receiving feedback as an instructor, be it good bad or ugly is extremely helpful in furthering ourselves as teachers and providing a better practice for current and future students. Although, sometimes the ugly feedback it’s rather hard to swallow and makes you question your ability as a teacher.

Truthfully, I often judge myself in terms of my teachings on and off the mat. I have shed countless tears thinking that I may not have what it takes or be good enough for my students as their instructor. In the beginning I thought I was completely out of my depths and wondered how much I actually knew and how can I teach others what I actually do know about practicing yoga. In some instances I have even judged myself against the abilities of other teachers and students feeling inferior.  I know it’s not the yogic way but the positive of self-judgment and the feeling of inferiority is being able to understand my flaws and things that I need to work on to better myself and to transfer that into YogaLou.

On the flip side, there have been numerous moments where I have had and still have great energy within each class and have walked away feeling fantastic and confident in my teachings.

All said and done, I have realized that even as a yoga instructor I am still human, have the same emotions or doubts as I would if I wasn't teaching, it's just how process them that makes the difference. I am working hard to work through my doubts and ask why I'm feeling these feelings and learn from them. It is probably always going to be a learning journey about myself but I look forward to meeting my more mature yogic self.


Active Body, Calm Mind

Being a Yoga Instructor , I am normally pretty active on  a weekly basis, however coming up to the festive season I decided to take 2 weeks break to rejuvenate the mind and body, which is also important.

The first few days of my break I noticed my sleeping patterns still normal as the body and mind was winding down. But now in my second week I noticed that I am going to bed later and later and while lying  in bed I'm wide awake, thinking of my business, family and things I have to do around the house, I even try using my breath to meditate in hope to clam the mind down, I eventually drift off to sleep , but while laying there trying to sleep and thinking why I can't sleep, I noticed my pattern and when it changed.

It changed once my body was not as active which helps calm the mind down to a restorative state that can assist in sleep.

I'm looking forward to teaching again bringing balance back into my life.


Diet drinks are no good for you!!!

Please ditch all those diet drinks that are no good for you!!!


Infused waters. Here are their benefits to help with detoxification energy and hydration. Put as much fruit in water as you like and let the water sit for at least 30 minutes before drinking.

1. Green tea, mint, lime-fat burning, digestion, headaches, congestion and breath freshener.

2. Strawberry, kiwi-cardiovascular health, immune system protection, blood sugar regulation, digestion.

3. Cucumber, lime, lemon- water weight management, bloating, appetite control, hydration, digestion

4. Lemon, lime, orange- digestion vitamin C, immune defense, heartburn, (Drink this one at room temperature)

For Recipes click here:!infused-water-recipes/c1jm3